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What is PETspot?
How to join PETspot as an ANKC breeder?
How to join PETspot as an ANKC breeder?

ANKC breeders can join PETspot to get access to all our community benefits and rewards

Jeremy - PETspot avatar
Written by Jeremy - PETspot
Updated over a week ago

Getting Started on PETspot is super easy, and we're always here to help you out if you need a hand in getting set up. Also, you can read this article to learn how we're different from other sites, and how we're support ANKC breeders

Here's a quick step-by-step on how to get started on PETspot:

Step 1: Go to the sign up page on either the mobile app or the website, or alternatively click this link here and select "I'm a Breeder"

Step 2: Fill in a short questionnaire that helps you set up your profile. At the end of the questionnaire, it'll ask you to book in a time to chat with someone from our team - it's a quick 5-10 minutes conversation where we can answer any questions, and help walk you through the platform. (if you did not want to participate, book a time to proceed then let us know you're not interested in the call!)

Step 3: Wait to be approved, and that's it! It's very quick and easy.

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