How can I get reviews on my PETspot Profile?

Reviews can be super handy in having your puppy buyers share their experiences with you and others.

Jeremy - PETspot avatar
Written by Jeremy - PETspot
Updated over a week ago

We love reviews, and we know you do too, and it's always great to hear puppy owners' experiences dealing with responsible ANKC breeders. This way, we can help educate other of what it means to be a responsible breeder.

How to receive reviews on PETspot

To make sure that reviews are legitimate, and to prevent the occurrence of unwarranted reviews from strangers... Only puppy buyers that have engaged with you on PETspot and purchased a puppy through PETspot Pay can leave a review.

This will help ensure that reviews are authentic, and truly reflect the great experience puppy buyers have with you and your pack!

If you have any questions or concerns, or have some ideas and feedback, reach out to

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